Associate Professor
HDR - University of Lille
Head of Department
Track: Marketing
LEM Member
  • 2022 : HDR, University of Lille, France
  • 2013 : Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Paris Dauphine, France
  • 2007 : MBA, Harvard Business School, USA
  • 1999 : MSc in Management, ESSEC Business School, France
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2013 - present, Associate Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
Professional Experience :
  • 2007 - 2008, C.R.M. Manager, Staples, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • 2003 - 2005, Senior Brand Manager, ELIOR Group, Paris, France
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • De Kerviler G., Demangeot C., Dolbec P. Y., (2024). Why and How Consumers Perform Online Reviewing Differently, Journal of Consumer Research, Accepted (TBD) TBD.
  • De Kerviler G., Heuvinck N., Gentina E., (2022). “Make an Effort and Show me the Love” Effects of Indexical and Iconic Authenticity Cues on Perceived Brand Ethicality, Journal of Business Ethics, 179 (2) 89-110.
  • De Kerviler G., Slavich B., Ardelet Caroline, (2022). Ethical judgment of sexual ads featuring women: the role of identification to feminine archetype, Journal of Business Research, 142 (March) 899-913.
Show all
  • De Kerviler G., Rodriguez C., (2019). Luxury brand experiences and relationship quality for millennials: the role of self-expansion, Journal of Business Research, 102 (2019) 250-262.
  • De Kerviler G., Audrezet Alice, Guidry Moulard Julie, (2018). Authenticity under threat: when social media influencers need to go beyond self-presentation, Journal of Business Research, 117 (September) 557-569.
  • De Kerviler G., Demoulin N., Zidda P., (2016). Adoption of in-store mobile payment: Are perceived risk and convenience the only drivers?, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31 334-344.
  • Pez V., Butori R., De Kerviler G., (2015). Because I'm worth it: The impact of given versus self-perceived status on preferential treatment efficiency, Journal of Business Research, 68 (12) 2477-2483.
  • De Kerviler G., Butori R., (2015). Se considérer comme un client fidèle affecte-t-il l’évaluation des bénéfices reçus?, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 30 (4) 4-24.
  • Ardelet C., Slavich B., De Kerviler G., (2015). Self-referencing narratives to predict consumers’ preferences in the luxury industry: a longitudinal study, Journal of Business Research, 68 (9) 2037–2044.
Book Chapters
  • De Kerviler G., (2021), L’expérience de la gastronomie française: Un lien unique entre alimentation et bien-être, in: Le marketing experientiel culinaire.
  • De Kerviler G., Rodriguez C., (2019), Building Relationships through Stimulating Brand Experiences: The Role of Self-Expansion, Brand Identification, and Self-Esteem, in: Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers.
  • De Kerviler G., (2019), The Food gastronomy experience: A French perspective on food well-being, in: Food and Experiential Marketing: Pleasure, Wellbeing and Consumption.
Show all
  • De Kerviler G., (2017), La relation marque - blogueur de la génération Z, in: Comprendre et séduire la génération Z. Comportements de consommation et relations des post-millennials avec les marques.
Peer Review Proceedings
  • De Kerviler Gwarlann, Demangeot C., (2020), Advances in Consumer Reearch, in: Advances in Consumer Research Association for Consumer Research, pp..
  • De Kerviler G., Audrezet Alice, (2017), Consumer Brand Relationship in the Age of Instagram, in: Rossi P. (eds) Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, pp.939.
  • De Kerviler G., Demoulin N., Zidda Pietro, (2017), Adoption of Proximity M-Payment Services: Perceived Value and Experience Effect, in: Rossi P. (eds) Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, pp.275.
  • De Kerviler G., Janssen C., Pauwels-Delassus V., (2017), Investigating the Relationship Between Co-creation and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Co-creation Type, in: Rossi P. (eds) Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, pp.581.
  • De Kerviler G., Perry Patsy, Bertrand Anne, Cohen Corrine, (2017), Special Session: Evolution of the Luxury Industry in a Digital World., in: In: Rossi P. (eds) Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, pp.41.
Research fields
  • Luxury Marketing
  • Fashion Management
  • Customer Relationship management
  • Mobile Marketing
Executive MBA :
  • Brand management strategy
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Market research
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Luxury marketing
International MBA :
  • Luxury marketing
MSc in Fashion management :
  • Marketing in fashion companies