IÉSEG offers consulting services for your company through Consulting Projects carried out by willing Master students, in the framework of their thesis semester (end of curriculum).

Consulting Projects aim to bring an outside perspective and an innovative vision to your company.
Students hold a consultant position in your company.
For a length of 6 to 8 months, students work as consultants for your company.
Students are able to address any issue related to your company’s fields, helping you implement projects in France and abroad.
Depending on your needs, missions are entrusted to:
- Students in their last year of the Master cycle of the Grande Ecole program (Master’s degree);
- International students from Specialized Master Programs who have acquired up to 3 years of professional experience before entering our program, who are experts in specific areas of management (Big Data, Digital Marketing, Finance, Negotiation, International Business, etc.).
Some examples:
> Create financial support tools for decision-making to help and support the development of brands
> IMF efficiency reforms: aid analysis from three South American countries
> Study on Green Marketing’s effect on consumers’ perception and purchase intent in the hotel industry
Students are coached by IÉSEG professors-researchers (Academic Directors) who are experts in the area related to your proposed issue. The project manager in your company (Professional Director), in collaboration with the IÉSEG-appointed Academic Director, guarantees their supervision throughout the whole thesis semester.
Timing for Consulting Projects
Project from January to July:
- Submit offers October 31st at the latest.
- Student applications until November 15th.
- Finalization of your selection process before December 1st.
- Tripartite collaboration agreement signed by the end of January at the latest.
Project from May to December:
- Submit offers April 1st at the latest.
- Student applications until April 10th.
- Finalization of your selection process before April 20th.
- Tripartite collaboration agreement signed by the end of May at the latest.