April 8, 2020
Word from the Dean: Jean-Philippe Ammeux
In these difficult times, I sincerely hope that you are all in good health.
For several weeks, the IÉSEG community, like everyone, has been impacted by the health crisis.
Over 95% of the School’s collaborators are teleworking, including the professors who, in one weekend, went from classroom to online teaching. This concerns over 450 academic staff members, along with all of our students. This feat was made possible by the remarkable mobilization of the professors and administrative teams (in pedagogical innovation, IT, and studies). Students adapted very quickly. Professors are impressed by the level of their engagement. I would like to thank them for this.
Students participating in international exchanges, as well as those who will soon be on an internship, are facing particular difficulties: the closing of host universities, the continuation or not of their courses online, a difficult return to France, the postponement or cancellation of internships by companies, or countries that are no longer able to welcome foreigners, etc. (for example, closing of borders).
The students concerned are often worried, but have shown a great ability to adapt. Indeed, despite the School’s teams’ mobilization, we cannot always find an ideal solution in this context where we do not always have visibility for the weeks to come. We are being very careful to make sure that students will not be penalized, but it is important to be patient.
On another note, the authorities have prompted us to change urgently the procedures for selecting students for our Grande École Program (for example for the Concours Accès competitive entrance exam and ‘parallel admissions’).
As management specialists say, we are now, more than ever, in a VUCA environment (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity).
By carefully observing the School’s activity, I can see that all departments are mobilized to help students, and that everyone remains faithful to our values of engagement and solidarity.
The challenges we face reveal an incredible capacity for mobilization, which is very qualitative, and in record time. I am convinced that this strengthens all of us, students, professors, and administrative teams, to be effective Changemakers for a Better Society.
We are also thinking of our partners, alumni, and all of the companies in our ecosystem who are going through complicated economic and social times. IÉSEG is here today and will continue to accompany you tomorrow to face the coming challenges.
Even if the health situation will remain difficult for some more weeks, we are preparing for the time after the crisis, knowing that our community will be even more united and powerful than before. With everyone’s support, our fine school will continue to progress.