Events Live Events

[Live Chat] Learn more about IÉSEG’s International Admissions!

11 January 2022    Online event
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[Fair] Choose France Education and Career ASEAN

22 November 2021 - 27 November 2021    Online
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[Webinar] Big Data & Analytics for Business Bootcamp Presentation

17 November 2021    Online event
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[WEBINAR] Bachelor in International Business

15 November 2021    Online event
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[Webinar] Big Data & Analytics for Business Bootcamp Presentation

18 October 2021    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Flow of ideas: Economic societies and the rise of useful knowledge” F. CINNIRELLA – University of Bergamo

14 October 2021    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Theorizing accounting phenomena” M. MESSNER – University of Innsbruck

14 October 2021    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Finance: “Biased news and irrational investors: Evidence from biased beliefs about unvertainty and information acquisition” – Jiatao LIU – Cass Business School

30 September 2021    Online event
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[Webinar] Big Data & Analytics for Business Bootcamp Presentation

30 September 2021    Online event
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[WEBINAR] Welcome to France: A french touch @ HKU

29 September 2021    Online event
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