Events Live Events

Finance Research Seminar: “The real effects of environmental activist investing” by Dr. Lakshmi NAARAAYANAN – London Business School

01 April 2021    Online Event
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“Salon Access MBA North Africa” Online Fair

31 March 2021    Online Event
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MSc in Big Data Analytics for Business Webinar

30 March 2021    Online Event
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Webinar MSc in Business Analysis & Consulting

29 March 2021    Online Event
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“QS Connect MBA China” – Online Fair

28 March 2021    Online Event
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IÉSEG Forum Bachelor 2 Online

25 March 2021    Online Event
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QS Webinar: “Energizing a new generation of entrepreneurs”

25 March 2021    Online Event
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“ACCESS MBA Taïwan” – Online Fair

25 March 2021    Online Event
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Webinar in MSc in International Business

24 March 2021    Online Event
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Management & Society Research Seminar: “The co-evolution of market categories and audience judgements of new ventures: Legitimate distinctiveness” by Shannon YOUNGER – Texan Christian University

19 March 2021    Online Event
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