Events Live Events

[Online Information Session] Master in Big Data Analytics for Business

07 February 2023    En ligne
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[Webinar] Virtual Week of the Master Grande École Cycle majors – “Operations & Supply Chain Management”

07 February 2023    Online event
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[Online Information Session] Master in International Accounting, Audit & Control

06 February 2023    Online event
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[Webinar] Virtual Week of the Master Grande École Cycle majors – “Asset and Risk Management”

06 February 2023    Online event
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[Webinar] Virtual Week of the Master Grande École Cycle majors – “Digital Transformation”

06 February 2023    Online event
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[Online Information Session] Master in Fashion Management

02 February 2023    Online event
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[WEBINAR] Master in International Business – January Intake

25 October 2022    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Disagreement aversion” A. GOUSEBAILLE – ETHZ

14 October 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] Management Information System: “Digital ecology and ecosystems. Frontiers of resilience studies'” A. MÀRTON – Copenhagen Business School

13 October 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] Operations Management: “Swedish electricity and hydrogen market: an outlook” O. TANG – Linkoping University

13 October 2022    Paris / Online
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