Events Research

[Research Workshop] 1st International Workshop on Migration and Family Economics

20 June 2022 - 21 June 2022    Paris
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Gender-biased technological change and structural transformation” M. GONI – Norwegian School of Economics

16 June 2022    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Revisiting the effects of fair value accounting on debt contracting” M. CLATWORTHY – Bristol University

16 June 2022    Paris & Online
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[Research Seminar] ICIE: “Machiavellianism in alliance partnerships: The construct, its functioning, and its performance effects” C. KATSIKEAS – Leeds University

16 June 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Robustness of inferences in risk and time experiments to lifecycle asset integration” C. HEINZEL – INRAE

15 June 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] LEM – Economics & Finance: “Banks efficiency decomposition, engagement in securization and productivity gains” M. ORENG – FGV Sao Paulo

14 June 2022    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “What about us? Fostering authenticity in entrepreneurship education” J. BYRNE – IVEY Business School

10 June 2022    Paris - Online
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Count every word and make every word count” Y. GENDRON – Université Laval

09 June 2022    Online
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[Research Seminar] IRISK: “An experimental investigation of social risk preferences for health” O. L’HARIDON – Université de Rennes

07 June 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Farewell president! Political favoritism, economic inequality, and political polarization” E. swee – University of Melbourne

07 June 2022    Paris - Online
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