Events Research

[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “The long-term integration of refugee children – Swedish experiences after the Yugoslav wars” O. ÅSLUND UPPSALA UNIVERSITY

25 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ICON: “Which strategies to mitigate gender differences in economic negotiation outcomes are acceptable for women (and may work)?” J. HÜFFMEIER – TU Dortmund University

23 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “Hybridity spillovers: Legitimacy pressures and crowdfunded microloans” M. RENKO

17 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ILEAD / PON: “Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls and guidelines” N. BASTARDOZ – HEC Lausanne

17 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ICON/ICIE: “Multicultural experience, global identity and intercultural negotiations” L A. LIU – Georgia State University

15 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Finance: “The index effect: Evidence from the Option Market” C. WESE SIMEN – University of Liverpool

11 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Entrainment: How control practices shape workers’ temporal experiences in professional service firms” I. LUPU – ESSEC

11 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Does discrimination against employees harm management’s credibility ?” D. SHANTHIKUMAR – Paul Merage School of Business UCI

05 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Operations Management: “Analysis of global supply chain and structure” K. YOHO – Business Rollins College

04 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Extrapolators and contrarians: Forecast bias and household equity trading” K. PEIJNENBURG – EDHEC

04 May 2023    Online event
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