Events Research Seminars

[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Follow the money, not the majority: Incentivizing and aggregating expert opinions with bayesian markets” A. BAILLON – EM Lyon

23 March 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ICON/PON: “Social utility in coalition bargaining: Where three is more than two in more ways than one” I. VAN BEEST – Tilburg University

17 March 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “More bad news for mothers: The child penalty in mental health” M. HALLA – University of Linz

16 March 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Trade shocks and political behaviours in revolutionary Normandy” P. MANEUVRIER – University of Milan

02 March 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Management Information System: “Online romance fraud: Toward victim-offender stage theory” M. SIPONEN – University of Jyväskylä

02 March 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Executive gender gap in promotion: Evidence from a large French firm” M. LETURCQ – INED

16 February 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Cases and States” A. GUERDJIKOVA – Université Grenobles Alpes

14 February 2023    Lille & Online
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “The conservative tax: Political preferences and migration of college-educated workers” M. DOWNEY – Stockholm IIES

09 February 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Finance: “General autoregressive conditional betas: Longitudinal feedback in multifactor asset pricing” F. VIOLANTE – CREST-ENSAE

09 February 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Operations Management: “How to reconcile agricultural production with environmental preservation through an efficiency analysis: “Land Sparing” versus “Land Sharing”?” S. KAHINDO – IÉSEG

03 February 2023    Lille & Online
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