
[Conference] 2024 SIETAR Europa Congress 

June 4th-5th, 2024: Pre-Congress workshops
June 5th-8th, 2024: Main Congress

IÉSEG School of Management in Lille Campus

IÉSEG School of Management is proud to host the 2024 SIETAR Europa congress at its Lille campus.

The 2024 SIETAR Europa Congress wants to explore how the Intercultural Field connects and expands from its origins in academic traditions around anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and ethnography towards new solutions for problems that are emerging.

The Congress will give space for difficult conversations that address the roots of divisions, animosities, and violence. Participants will learn from each other practical ways in which we can advance communication, co-creation, and constructive dialogue; together.

THEME: “Systems, The Ecosystem of Interculturalism”

From neuroscience to anti-racist justice, from migration studies to critical history: new voices, paradigms and perspectives begin to have significant influence on how we make sense of interculturalism. Our 2024 Congress wants to explore these systemic dependencies and place interculturalism into a paradigm that looks ahead by acknowledging its past and that shapes its future with intention – together.

Join us at IÉSEG School of Management for a chance to meet with like-minded interculturalists, educators and researchers in the beautiful French city of Lille.

the program includes:

Deep Dives, such as: 

  • Reimagining Educational Eco-systems In a Borderless World: How the Future of Intercultural Communication is Integral to Education with Sukyun Lee and Dare Hyun. 
  • Engaging Otherness: The Ecosystem of Us and Them with Milton Bennett
  • Culture and sustainability: a promising but conflicting coupling with Ida Castiglioni

Idea Fireworks such as: 

  • From training to learning ecosystems by Robert Gibson

Project Reflections such as: 

  • Intercultural Education in India Today: Context, Gaps, Way Forward; with Dolon Gupta and Ishita Ray

Workshops on topics such as: 

  • Games Wide Open? Intercultural Reflections on the Olympics with Allison Iurato
  • From “Powerful Questions” to Presence-Based Curiosity, with Carolyn Ryffel
  • The Promises and Pitfals of incorporating Artificial Intelligence into workshops on Cross Cultural themes with Ruth Ann Lake

Research Presentations such as: 

  • Interculturalism and Climate Change: Identifying the Links in Current Research by Daniel H. Scheible
