
[Fair] ACCESS Masters Mexico Online Fair

October 19th 2021 at 16:30pm online


Meet with us at ACCESS Masters Mexico Online Fair and discuss about IÉSEG and its master programs with Santiago GONZALEZ – IÉSEG Latin America Representative Office and Pauline POUPARD – Head of IÉSEG Latin America Representative Office


  • 4:30 PM: Opening of online Check-in
  • 5:00 PM: “How to learn all about graduate schools today”, presentation by Access Masters consultant
  • 17:00 – 19:40: Personalised Meetings & Small Group Talks
  • 4:30 PM: Benefit from postgraduate financing opportunities from Banco de México presentation by Carlos Levi Gallegos Viza, Financing Evaluation Office. Fund for the Development of Human Resources. Bank of Mexico

This online event offers you the possibility to interact by video meetings, get advice on Master programs and admission.
