[ICIE Research Seminar] “From ‘Male, Pale and Stale’ to Champions for Change: Engaging Members of the Majority to Build Workplace Diversity”

Executive Director of Women of Colour Australia
Founder and Director of PAISLEY GROUP
Friday, September 27th, 2024
2pm–3:30pm in B252 & on Zoom

For the last two years, Dr Varina MICHAELS has been leading a diversity and inclusion project for a Fortune 20 Technology Company aimed at Executives who identify as members of the majority. This program unpacked the experiences and barriers of senior leaders, moving them through the Stages of Readiness for Change, to engage more meaningfully with Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in their organisationsand teams. Combined with Dr Michaels’ broader work in change management, research and advising organisationsfrom multinational enterprises through to community organisations, this talk will question whether current approaches to D&I and antiracism work are useful in driving change or are unwittingly replicating harm.