
ICIE Week round table: “Cultures and Identities in a VUCA world.”

IÉSEG is pleased to welcome you to her INTERCULTURAL ENGAGEMENT WEEK
which will take place online from 15th to 18th March 2021. [Event held in French & English]

On this occasion, attend and participate in the round table led by Laure AYOSSO on the topic “Cultures and Identities in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world”. Join us for a discussion on cultures and identities in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous [VUCA] world with a panel of Iéseg experts in intercultural communication, corporate and social responsibility, international relations and multilingualism.

Animated by:

  • Laure AYOSSO, IÉSEG French Lecturer specialised in language learning strategies in hybrid environments and intercultural competence in higher education.
  • Coline BRIQUET is Deputy to the Academic Dean at IÉSEG. She has worked in higher education for the past 10 years (mainly in international partnerships, academic program development & faculty affairs). Her work experience in engineering schools has led her to conduct research work on gender equality, and particularly gender-based violence in higher education. She regularly organizes workshops for students on consent and prevention of sexual violence.
  • Dr Joel A. BROWN is the Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting and coaching company based in San Francisco, USA, specializing in cultural intelligence, leadership, and organizational strategy. As a change agent, Joel works strategically with organizational leaders to cultivate innovative, creative, and adaptive environments where the cultural genius of everyone can be harnessed and leveraged successfully.
  • Grant DOUGLAS is the intercultural track coordinator and lecturer in intercultural communication/management at IÉSEG. He is also the co-director of ICIE (IÉSEG Center for Intercultural Engagement) and vice-president of SIETAR France. Grant has recently been elected to the council of the IACCM (International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management). He is a British national who has been living and working in France for over 30 years.
  • Pascale SCHMIDT-DUBOIS is a lecturer at IÉSEG in intercultural management. Having lived most of her life abroad, she is also a consultant for expatriate families. Her fields of interest include bilingualism, diversity management and pedagogy.
  • Tapiwa SEREMANI is an assistant professor at IÉSEG, where he teaches business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. He has a PhD at EMLYON in France. His research focuses on the role of power, institutional change and persistence in the persistence of exclusion.
