
INTERCULTURAL ENGAGEMENT WEEK – Roundtable: “Living and Communicating across cultures”

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> Laure AYOSSO, Lecturer in FLE at IÉSEG,

> Shahzaman HAQUE, Deputy Director of the Department of South Asia and the Himalaya, Head of International Relations and lecturer in Urdu at INALCO, Paris,

> Damien LEROUGE, International Student Services Coordinator at IÉSEG,

> Barbara MATTISON, Psychoanalyst, member of the Board of Directors of Sietar France,

> Pascale SCHMIDT-DUBOIS, Lecturer in intercultural management at IÉSEG.

March 21th 2019 from 18:30 to 20:00
Paris Campus – 
1 Promenade de l’Arche, 92800 Puteaux

Event held in French & English


We are pleased to welcome you at IÉSEG for the INTERCULTURAL ENGAGEMENT WEEK which will take place from 18th to 21st March 2019 at our Paris-La-Défense Campus. On this occasion, attend and participate in the Roundtable led by Laure Ayosso, Shahzaman Haque, Damien Lerouge, Barbara Mattison and Pascale Schmidt-Dubois on the topic:


This roundtable is designed for all members of IESEG’s community who are concerned personally or professionally with the broad issues of moving and managing across cultures and interacting with multilingual people and/or children. The session brings together international mobility experts in an interactive session where members of the audience will have the opportunity of sharing their own experiences and questions in both French and English.


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