
[Research Seminar] ICON/PON: “Understanding negotiation processes: An overview of 25 years of reasearch using web-based NSS” by R. VETSCHERA – University of Vienna

Speaker: Rudolf VETSCHERA
University of Vienna

Date and Location – Friday June 2nd 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30
in Paris campus (PR13) and on Zoom



Web-based Negotiation Support Systems have been available on the internet to researchers and interested users for about 25 years. These systems are qualitatively different from previous approaches to negotiation support and thus opened up new possibilities for negotiation research. The provide a comprehensive record of the entire negotiation, both in terms of substantive behavior including all offers and concessions made throughout the negotiation and their evaluations, and in terms of the communication that takes place between negotiators.

In this paper, we take stock of research that has been conducted using such web-based systems in the last decades with a particular focus on results that were possible because of the comprehensive negotiation records provided by web-based NSS. We discuss the various dimensions of negotiation processes, introduce methods to analyze them and give an overview of the insights that this stream of research has revealed about negotiations.