[Research Seminar] ICOR: “Increasing quantitative research in social entrepreneurship: A question of method” C. BEN-HAFAÏEDH – IÉSEG

Speaker: Cyrine BEN-HAFAÏEDH
IÉSEG School of Management
Date and Location – Tuesday December 5th 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00
in Paris campus (L712) and on Zoom

Calls for more quantitative research in the field of social entrepreneurship are made. The low level of quantitative empirical social entrepreneurship research is indeed damageable to the field. In this article, we argue that one of the main obstacles is methodological: how do we measure performance in a situation of tension between social and economic objectives?
We offer a critical review of the different methodological approaches to assess success in the case of multiple, and possibly conflicting, goals. We identify four main approaches and uncover their conceptual underpinnings. This will enable researchers to not only be aware of the existing possibilities but also to be able to relevantly choose between them according to the relationships among goals, the weighting, and the success benchmark. Finally, we discuss the important theoretical, methodological, and practical implications of our findings.