[Research Seminar] Management Information System: “Battling over conflicting societal values through discourse and action: Technology-centric contestation over symbolic and social boundaries” N. LEVINA – New York University Stern School of Business

Speaker: Natalia LEVINA
New York University Stern School of Business
(co-authors : Semi Min (U. Of Minnesota), Hila Lifshitz Assaf (Warwick Business School)
Date and Location – Tuesday October 3rd 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00
in Paris campus (PR13) Zoom

Information Systems (IS) can be used to limit or expand access to material and non-material resources, and therefore has potential to amplify or reduce social justice. Our study explored the contact tracing systems in South Korea and Singapore as specific revelatory cases to understand how more or less social justice outcomes were produced as a result of the contestation process surrounding IS.
As a result of public contestation, the contact tracing systems were repeatedly redesigned and variably adopted, producing differing social justice outcomes based on the prioritization of competing societal value aspirations.
In this paper, we show how societies’ IS design and adoption decisions can unfairly limit minority groups’ access to resources depending on their value aspirations and societal context. This study improves our understanding of how social justice outcomes are contextually situated within societies. We also show how public discourse is playing a role in shaping IS design and adoption and producing social justice outcomes.