IÉSEG Executive Education works with a vast range of companies of varied sectors and sizes. Here are just a few examples of what our corporate participants have to say about IÉSEG’s Executive programs.

Plus Pharmacie CIC Crédit Mutuel Mobivia
Grain d'or Gel INET SAS Hoyez
SIA EDF Groupe Auchan logo_norauto_opt
Decathlon Immochan Vilogia Mc Cain
SNCF Logistics Boulanger


This co-construction was rich, constructive and efficient. We started with a blank sheet! We wanted a tailor-made course with internal examples from the Mobivia Group and incorporate a number of external insights and experiences.

Indeed, the way in which business is dealt with, notably on the financial strategy, may be different from the way we are used to doing things (internally). This is why the collaboration with IÉSEG has been much appreciated.

Chief Financial Officer, Norauto International

The international exposure of IÉSEG enabled us to work together on tailor-made learning solutions for our Decathlon employees (case studies, business games, MBA modules). These exchanges and meeting points are the basis of a successful partnership between Business and School.

Administrative and financial director, International Industrial Division, Decathlon

The success of our Manager-Developer training course, running for several years, would not have been possible without the effective partnership with IÉSEG. From the beginning of our collaboration, IÉSEG Executive Education understood what we wanted and succeeded in translating it into a dedicated and engaging program. Beyond a collaboration, the Manager-Developer path is the result of a genuine joint venture between CIC NO and IÉSEG.

Christophe PRUVOST
Regional director, ex. DRH, CIC Nord-Ouest