INENTIS Department gets different sets of expertise together. It is composed of the Majors on Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the one on Management of Information System. In addition, the Law track is also part of the department. Overall, more than 20 permanent faculties, as well as more than 20 adjuncts and a few visiting scholars are affiliated to the department. Scholars and instructors teach a variety of courses in different programs of the school.


The objectives of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship major are to help students develop entrepreneurial competences, innovation skills and an understanding of how to create sustained value for new and existing organizations. At the Bachelor level, core courses are offered on Design Thinking and Creativity and the Capstone Project on Creating a Business. More over, several elective courses are offered, where in particular one course is at the cross-road between Innovation and Strategy. Several courses are then offered at the Master level, such as the Entrepreneurial Experience, Entrepreneurial Teams, Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures, Design Thinking, and Foundations of Entrepreneurship.
Through interactive lectures, case studies, online content, and guest seminars, students gain a deep understanding of the interdependence and interconnection between different functional domains in organizations (e.g. HR, marketing, finance) and learn how to orchestrate them to launch a new business or revitalize an existing one. The combination of these skills will ensure students are prepared to start their own company, join a start-up, become a consultant, work as an entrepreneurship support professional such as business incubation or venture fund manager, or innovation manager for a large organization. The teaching focus prepares students to analyse the complexity of business strategies enabling them to act as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs.

The Management of Information Systems major prepares students to the development of digital strategies. Students develop a deep understanding of information systems, emerging technologies and train skills to serve as consultants, systems/business analysts, functional analysts, project managers, product managers, or entrepreneurs.
The major offers two core courses at the Bachelor level, i.e. Digital Innovation and Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. It also offers elective courses, such as Sustainability in a Digital World, Technology & Strategy, Low-Code Mobile App Development and Digital Transformation. At the Master level, the IS major includes core courses such as Database Management, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Applications Development, Systems Analysis & Design, IS Project Management, IS Security and Privacy. Students can in addition choose from a range of electives offered by our full-time faculties as well as visiting scholars from around the world.
The teaching approach engages students through case studies, practitioners’ interventions, hackathon and consulting projects. The students will develop strong skills to analyse complex relationships between people, information, processes and technology and the ability to work alongside people from any functional domain of an organization.

The Law Track offers several core law courses during the three first years of the Grande Ecole Program. From a proactive perspective (legal risk management and law as a source of competitive and strategic advantages), students are first taught the legal environment of business, which they integrate into an interdisciplinary project on business exploration ; they then move to courses such as legal responsibility (including contract law), trademark law, where they learn how to protect and manage distinctive signs and company law, learning the advantages and disadvantages of different business structures from a comparative perspective.
Students finish the Bachelor cycle with a course on international business law and several elective courses (such as environmental law, competition law, legal skills for business people and advanced intellectual property law). All courses mentioned above feed into interdisciplinary projects. At the master’s level, there is an additional law core course on Data Protection and a portfolio of several elective courses offered in the different majors (intellectual property and open licences and Global Labor Law, among many others).

A Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed to develop critical understanding and ability to reflect on the importance of entrepreneurial attitude in individuals and organizations. Students in this program gain experience and skills on entrepreneurial decision-making, netwtorking, and team working. Using an action-based learning, the program offers courses on Technology Entrepreneurship and Business Development, Business Modelling, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurial Funding, and New Venture Creation.
Students can practice their knowledge and learning through an 4 to 6 months internship in an existing business or developing their own venture. Graduates from the Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation have career opportunities as entrepreneur, business consultant, business developer, and innovation manager. This Master is part of a double degree program with the Loughbourough University.

A Master in Strategy and Digital Transformation is offered to students with a strong analytical background. It aims at equipping students with the digital technologies knowledge as well as the skills needed to design and lead digital transformation across functions, such as operations, customers and employees’ experience, and at the corporate level.
Built around five core teaching course blocs (International Management Skills, Innovation and New Business Development, Digital Innovation and Transformation, Analytics and Strategic Skills and Professional and Intercultural Development), all students must also follow a 4-to 6-month internship or work experience anywhere in the world or opt for a consulting project or a thesis.
In terms of career opportunities, the Master opens to consultancy and project management in any type of companies (e.g. Business Process Analyst, Chief Digital Officer, Digital Project Manager, Digital Transformation Consultant, Operations Manager or Strategy and Management Consultant).

Within the MBA, the Leadership & Coding track based in Paris, is designed for professionals with at least 3 years of work experience, and aims to develop managers and change-makers with a cutting-edge learning journey combining state of the art business and coding courses in partnership with the leading coding school Le Wagon. The MBA welcomes applicants from a diversity of backgrounds (no coding background is required) and it aims at let participants understand the blurred boundaries between business and technology/coding, or the opportunities emanating from digital transformation.
Courses will be delivered in both IÉSEG and Le Wagon campuses in Paris. Key Management courses include Strategy, Finance, Leadership, Ethics and Sustainability, Leading Innovation in an Age of Disruption, Emerging Technologies and AI, MIS, Big Data Analytics, Operations Management. Le Wagon courses include programming fundamentals, software architecture, web development, Data Science and Machine Learning, Product Design, and Developing Web Applications.
Graduates will have access to both generalist and more specialized roles linked to their preferred sector or position. Examples include but not limited to Product Manager, Business Development Manager, Digital and Innovation Strategist, Transformation Project Manager, (Digital) Consultant, CTO, IT, or Entrepreneur.

Research, Expertise & Corporate World

In the field of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the group performs research across different topics: entrepreneurial teams, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship support, strategic entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship as a socio-political process of organization-creation. Further, the I&E group also works closely together with the incubator team at IÉSEG that is open to all who have an idea and willing to challenge it through a Spark program (pre incubation customized coaching with mentors, entrepreneurs, and experts).

Our MIS faculty conduct research in various domains such as social media, IS adoption, organizational reaction to IT implementation, ethics of technology, cybersecurity, knowledge management, new ways of working and the implications of artificial intelligence for business.

Our Law faculty’s research concentrates on intellectual property rights, data protection.

The research of the group has been published in leading journals in the respective fields, such as MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Studies, European Journal of Information Systems, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, and Technovation, amongst others.


Ph.D., Business Administration, Information technology, Georgia State University
Ph.D., Management Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy, Brest Business Administration Institute
Ph.D., Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ghent University
Christopher CONWAY
CONWAY Christopher
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Arkansas
Ph.D., Management Sciences, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Queensland University of Technology
Ph.D. in Applied Economics, KU Leuven
Ph.D. Management Sciences/Doctorat Sciences de Gestion, University of Paris Dauphine
Ph.D. in Information Systems, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ph.D., Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Twente
Cristiana SAPPA
SAPPA Cristiana
Ph.D., Private Law, Law, Faculté Jean Monnet, University Paris Sud
Ph.D. in Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, University of Mississippi
Ph.D. in Management of Information Systems, ESSEC Business School

Research Seminars of the Department

We believe that collaboration, discussion and exchange are essential to fostering a positive environment for academic research. With this spirit, the School actively encourages and promotes the organization of research seminars, workshops and conferences.

See the Research Seminars