Teaching Program
The department is responsible for the content of the following 2 tracks and an apprenticeship program:
Marketing Track aims to give students the required knowledge and tools for strategic and operational marketing in companies developing in-depth knowledge on evaluate marketing alternatives and commit to a course of action, using financial, organizational, environmental and ethical criteria to guide decision-making.
International Negotiation and Sales Management Track aims at preparing students to negotiation in many different management roles, introducing conflict and how it is managed, the negotiation process and an understanding of the many international commercial situations in which negotiation plays an important part.
Apprenticeship focused on E-commerce, Retail and Marketing allows students who wish to specialize on E-commerce, retail and marketing to have a solid background and knowledge due to the particular system which includes an important passage of their time in companies.
Research Activities
Our research activities are integrated into the CRM cluster which brings together the researchers working on the business strategy that integrates internal processes and functions, and external networks, to create and deliver value to targeted customers at a profit. The results of the research’s outputs in this cluster allow the organizations to identify, acquiring, and retaining customers. By enabling organizations to manage and coordinate customer interactions across multiple channels, departments, lines of business, and geographies, CRM outputs helps organizations maximize the value of every customer interaction and drive superior corporate performance.
Researcher’s members of our department have varied backgrounds and their activity is interdisciplinary as it is based on theory and conceptual ideas from various disciplines such as: Marketing, Management, Psychology, Sales, Economics, Econometrics, etc…
Our research professors have developed certain areas such as Business Intelligence (helping the companies to manage effectively their customer base using e.g. data mining techniques), Consumer behavior (to help companies develop a better understanding of customer requirements and expectations), Marketing Performance Efficiency (to evaluate the performance of loyalty programs that range from the use of conventional measures of marketing to the use of measures of financial performance), etc…