The department of People, Organizations and Negotiations consists of more than 30 permanent faculty members including Professors with a research mission, Professors of practice, and Postdocs, in the area of Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, International Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Management. The PON department also hosts a wide range of adjuncts and visiting professors.


The department is in charge of two Majors in the Grande Ecole Program: 

The Managing People and Organizations major aims to give students the necessary knowledge and skills in Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management. Examples of courses are Strategic HRM, HRM Analytics, Managing Teams, and Strategic Talent Acquisition and Development. In doing so, the major prepares students for careers in HRM departments and People Management.  

The International Negotiation and Business Development major, co-managed with the department of Marketing and Sales, aims to train negotiation experts who build mutual benefits within the firm and create value for external clients to solve conflicts. Professors from the department lead courses focused on Practical Negotiation Skills, Conflict Management, Decision-Making, Mediation, Business Development, and Sales. As such, the major prepares students for careers in the field of Business Mediation, Negotiation, and Business Development. 

Moreover, the department also hosts two track feeding the Grande Ecole Program transversally.  

The Personal Development track helps students to acquire and master the behavioral skills a manager from the 21st century needs to possess, focused on “me, the other, the involvement”: knowing yourself better and knowing the people you deal with better, in order to communicate and act as a responsible leader. Examples of courses are personal development through drama, creativity, artistic culture and expression, mindfulness, and time management. 

The Intercultural Competencies track aims at helping students to develop the Cultural Intelligence that they will need to succeed in their education (both at home and abroad), their international internships, and their future careers where managing diversity will be a key competence. Examples of courses include Understanding Cultural Diversity, and Managing Cultural Diversity in Vivo. 

Executive Programs

Finally, at the executive level, the department is in charge of the Executive Master in Transformation and People Development (Executive Mastère Spécalisé® Direction Transformation et Développement Humain). This program prepares participants for an executive career by training them in essential skills and knowledge in areas such as Change Management, Leadership, Coaching, Human Resource Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics. 

Research, Expertise & Corporate World

The department is involved in a wide range of research topics built around three pillars. 

A first pillar of research focuses on Human Resource Management practices to secure both employee and organizational performance as well as employee well-being. Topics related to this pillar include talent management, HRM in the health industry, change management, intergenerational and intercultural management, strategic HRM, performance assessment and pay structures. 

A second pillar concerns research in organizational studies, including topics such as creativity management, teamwork and team learning, communication, social networks, ethical decision-making, leadership, organizational and individual identity, employees’ work behaviors, the gender gap in the labor market and workforce diversity. 

The third pillar relates to research on negotiation, mediation and conflict management. Fundamental topics that are studied within this pillar are cross-cultural negotiations, gender, language and trust in negotiations, conflict management, governance and leadership in international negotiations, dispute resolution, automated negotiation, arbitration and mediation. 

Building on these three pillars of research, our permanent professors have recently published articles in the following international peer-reviewed journals: Organization Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, International Journal of Conflict Management, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management (Journal), Human Relations, Research Policy, Industrial Relations, Journal of Business Research, European Management Review, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Management and others. 

The department also manages two excellence centers, and a research center. First, we host the IÉSEG Center of Excellence in Negotiation (ICON), which adopts a transversal approach to negotiation and relationship establishment, spanning over management, employment relations, marketing (sales and procurement), international relations and law. Second, we manage the IÉSEG Center of Excellence for Intercultural Engagement (ICIE), which combines multidisciplinary research in business, management and education, with expertise in education and training. It aims to develop knowledge on the development of intercultural mindsets and the way this can be applied in different organizations. Finally, we host the Research Center on leadership (iLead), which takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying leadership in all of its different facets. 

Finally, our department has many connections with the corporate world. Through their professional activities, our professors of practice have access to a wide network of companies to bridge practice and theory in a better way. Moreover, we regularly organize ‘professional advisory boards’ to discuss our curriculum with professionals, to ensure that we teach students the essential skills and knowledge to integrate the labour market effectively. 

Academic staff of the Department


Research Seminars of the Department

We believe that collaboration, discussion and exchange are essential to fostering a positive environment for academic research. With this spirit, the School actively encourages and promotes the organization of research seminars, workshops and conferences.

See the Research Seminars