- 2020 : Ph.D., Marketing, International Business, Georgia State University, USA
- 2014 : Ph.D., Linguistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Russia
- 2010 : Master, Philology (Languages and Literature), Lomonosov Moscow State University , Russia
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
- 2021 - present, Assistant Professor of International Negotiation, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2016 - 2020, Teaching and Research Assistant, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
Scientific prizes and Awards
- 2022 : Best Reviewer Award, Academy of International Business
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
Poliakova E., Lempp F., Liu L. A., (2025). How are metaphors used in negotiation? A communication context analysis, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 18 (1) 69-93.
Barragan Diaz A., Ramirez Marin J., Poliakova E., Medina Diaz F. J., (2024). Linguistics of the heart and mind: Negotiating in one’s native language is comfortable but not efficient, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97 (4) 1451-1474.
Poliakova E., Riddle L., Cummings M. E., (2020). Diaspora investment promotion via public–private partnerships: Case-study insights and IB research implications from the Succeed in Ireland initiative, Journal of International Business Policy, 3 (1) 23-37.
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Poliakova E., Ku S., Cavusgil S. T., Ozkan K. S. L., Pinho C. R., Pinho M. L., Sanguineti F., Sharma S., (2020). The Great Lockdown Recession and International Business, Rutgers Business Review, 5 (1) 113-135.
Liu L. A., Adair W. L., Tjosvold D., Poliakova E., (2018). Understanding intercultural dynamics: Insights from competition and cooperation in complex contexts, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25 (1) 2-31.