Catherine GABELICA

Catherine GABELICA
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Educational Sciences - University of Maastricht
Track: Human Resource Management
  • 2014 : Ph.D. in Educational Sciences, University of Maastricht, Netherlands
  • 2006 : Master, Educational Sciences, , Belgium
  • 2003 : Bachelor, Other, Education / Trainning, , Belgium
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2016 - present, Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2015 - present, Postdoctoral Researcher, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 2014 - 2015, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands
  • 2013 - 2013, Visiting professor, University of Central Florida, , USA
  • 2012 - present, Coaching and Professional Development , Institut Wallon de formation en alternance des indépendants et petites et moyennes entreprises, , Belgium
  • 2009 - 2013, PhD Candidate and Lecturer, University of Maastricht, , Netherlands
  • 2006 - 2008, Teaching and Research Assistant, , , Belgium
Professional Experience :
  • 2008 - 2008, Learning Coordinator, , Liege, Belgium
Scientific prizes and Awards
  • 2022 : Teaching Award for the Bachelor Program, IÉSEG School of Management
  • 2014 : New Investigator Award of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division-I Education In the Professions, American Educational Research Association
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Gabelica C., De Maeyer Sven, Schippers M., (2022). TAKING A FREE RIDE: HOW TEAM LEARNING AFFECTS SOCIAL LOAFING, Journal of Educational Psychology, 114 (4) 716–733.
  • Gabelica C., Popov V., (2020). “One Size Does not Fit All”: Revisiting Team Feedback Theories from a Cultural Dimensions Perspective, Group and Organization Management, 45 (2) 1-58.
  • Gabelica C., Van den Bossche P., Fiore S., Segers M., Gijselaers W., (2016). Establishing team knowledge coordination from a learning perspective, Human Performance, 29 (1) 33-53.
Show all
  • Gabelica C., Van den Bossche P., Segers M., Gijselaers W., (2014). Dynamics of team reflexivity after feedback, Frontline Learning Research, 2 (3) 64-91.
  • Gabelica C., Van den Bossche P., De Maeyer S., Segers M., Gijselaers W., (2014). The effect of team feedback and guided reflexivity on team performance change, Learning and Instruction, 34 (2014) 86-96.
  • Gabelica C., Van den Bossche P., Segers M, Gijselaers W, (2012). Feedback, a powerful level in teams: A review, Educational Research Review, 7 (2) 123-144.
Book Chapters
  • Van den Bossche P., Gabelica C., Koeslag-Kreunen M., (2022), Team learning, in: Research approaches on workplace learning : insights from a growing field.
  • Gabelica C., Fiore Stephen, Wiltshire Travis , Stokols Daniel , (2019), Training to be a (team) scientist, in: Strategies for Team Science Success: Handbook of Evidence-based Principles for Cross-disciplinary Science and Practical Lessons Learned from Health Researchers.
  • Gabelica C., (2010), Involving Students in Texts, in: ADORE – Teaching Struggling Adolescent Readers in European Countries.
Peer Review Proceedings
  • Gabelica C., Fiore S., (2013), PBL, TBL, and SBL: What can training researchers gain from examination of methods for active-learning, in: Proceedings of 57th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Human Factors and Ergonomics Society , pp.462-466.
Research field
  • Human Resource Management
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Managing teams
  • Employee performance management