IÉSEG recognizes that many of the challenges facing organisations and society are complex and solutions often require an interdisciplinary approach combining many different fields of expertise. This is why IÉSEG has developed a number of Centers of excellence, that bring together international researchers and experts from different disciplines and fields to study and provide answers and solutions to important questions for companies and organisations everywhere.
All of these centers aim to ensure there is a bridge between fundamental and applied research, the school’s teaching activities (through courses and programs and executive training) and ensuring this knowledge and expertise reaches key stakeholders including professionals, policymakers, NGOs and other organisations.
Centers of Excellence
IÉSEG Center of Excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR)
ICOR aims to create and spread conceptual knowledge and practice-oriented tools in the fields of social responsibility, sustainability and business and society relationships for professionals and their organizations, researchers and students.
IÉSEG Center of Excellence for Intercultural Engagement (ICIE)
ICIE aims to develop knowledge and practices around the notion of intercultural dynamics and the development of cultural intelligence and its applications within different organizations.
IÉSEG Center of Excellence on Negotiation (ICON)
ICON aims to create relevant, practice-oriented knowledge by means of precise, systematic and robust research methods and provide applications for students, professionals and organizations.
IÉSEG Center of Excellence on Marketing Analytics (ICMA)
ICMA is a knowledge hub formed by a team of academic experts with a proven track record in the fields of marketing analytics, customer relationship marketing (CRM) and database marketing that aims to support teaching, research and business projects.
Research Centers
The School has also developed several research centers that enable groups of international researchers to collaborate closely and to take forward the Schools activities in a number of key fields:
IÉSEG Research Center on Risk and Uncertainty (IRisk)
IRisk works to better understand and improve decisions about environmental, health, wealth, and other risks through impartial economic research.
IÉSEG Research Center on Family, Labor and Migration Economics (IFlame)
IFlame promotes research activities at the frontier of this cross-disciplinary field in economics, which studies the microeconomic determinants of individual labor supply and family outcomes.
IÉSEG Research Center on Leadership & Development (ILead)
ILead works to develop research and other activities relating to leadership and personal development.
IÉSEG Research Center on Quantitative Finance (iℚuant)
IQuant supports research activities in the field of quantitative finance but also the dissemination of research.