Associations: The opportunity to thrive in your student life!
The School’s associations offer students the opportunity to get involved outside the classroom. They provide a lively atmosphere in student life, offer a variety of opportunities for personal and professional development, and enhance the student experience.
IÉSEG has a rich associative life that allows students to experience the best years of their student life. This associative life is notably regulated by parent associations that manage and organize the life of all associations within the ecosystem (Student Federation and Student Association of IÉSEG).
The associative system at IÉSEG is varied: some associations are composed of both Lille and Paris students, forming a single inter-campus association, while other associations may be present on both campuses but as distinct teams.
65 student
400+ events
every year
1.6 million
euros budget
1,036 active

Alexandre DEL POZO
The dynamism of student life at IÉSEG is fueled by its association network. This system draws its strength from the variety of academic and personal backgrounds of its members. Currently, more than 1,000 students take on the challenge of association work, which aims to enrich the IÉSEG experience and foster cohesion among students. Beyond our commitment within a team, association work prepares us for the professional challenges of tomorrow. Just like the School and its students, the associative system aspires to be ambitious, innovative, and engaged.
discover the associative ecosystem
Media – Communication
Culture – Social issues
Entrepreneurship – Corporate relations
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Discover the different options available to you if you wish to join one of the school’s associations:
Beginning of the year recruitment
After the first month of the school year, a dedicated association forum is organized to offer interested students the opportunity to apply and join an association. Associations also recruit at the beginning of the second semester, in January.
Association campaigns
Some IÉSEG associations have their members elected rather than recruited. Join or create a team to participate in the campaigns in April and try to win the mandate for the upcoming year.
End of the year recruitment
Mandates end and vacancies are opening up. Not yet involved? This is your chance to apply and prove your motivation and talents to join and complete the association’s team of your choice.