Student Federation

The Student Federation is an inter-campus association that serves as the parent body of IÉSEG’s associative life. Its role is to represent and support IÉSEG students throughout their studies. The Fédé supervises inter-campus events and ensures the smooth running of associations. It is also responsible for financial allocations on both campuses, and acts as an intermediary between administrative staff and students.

> 28 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Supervision of IÉSEG’s associative life
> Largest WEI in France: 1,800 participants


AEIL (IÉSEG Lille Student Association) and AEIP (IÉSEGnParis Student Association) are the cornerstones of community life on each campus.
They liaise between the associations and the School, and ensure that resources are properly distributed between the associations on each campus, as well as planning association projects throughout the year. They enable associations to concentrate fully on their projects by taking care of the administrative and legal aspects of an association (invoices, insurance, banks, etc.). They centralize information from all associations to organize everything as efficiently as possible: calendar, resources, equipment, etc.

Being a member of an AEI means being in touch with everyone at all times. AEIs ensure that all the rules are respected and that everything runs smoothly for members and students alike.

> 33 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Organizing, monitoring and managing associative life on each campus
> Supervising the 200 events with an annual budget of €500,000 per campus

international club

The International Club (IC) welcomes and integrates international students while supporting French students in their academic exchanges.
Its main focuses are integration, culture and diversity, to enable international students to flourish in France. The aim is to ensure a memorable experience for international students, with a semester packed with social interaction!

> 55 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Support and organization events for international students.
> Organization of trips (Bordeaux, Mont Saint-Michel, Amsterdam) and cultural visits (Museums, Versailles)

iéseg ambassadors

IÉSEG Ambassadors (IA) plays a crucial role in promoting the School to future students. It recruits students to represent IÉSEG at events such as student forums and fairs across France and even internationally. The association also co-organizes the Open Days and Immersive Days to offer high school students an immersive experience in the life of an IÉSEG student, and to guide them in their choice of study path.

> 35 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Organize promotion and representation of the School for future students
> Key figures for 2023-2024: 3 Open Days with around 1,500 visitors each, 4 high-school immersive days, more than 110 forums including 9 abroad, 27 trade fairs, 1 online parents’ evening, online conferences, live chats and interviews.

associative life in pictures

Week-End IÉSEG 2023
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IÉSEG Associative Life

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