
The ACT is dedicated to environmental protection and social commitment! It raises students’ awareness of environmental issues and encourages them to adopt responsible behaviour on a daily basis. Through lively conferences and inspiring workshops, ACT takes a close look at today’s environmental challenges and explores impactful solutions. The association challenges students to adopt simple but effective actions, demonstrating that every action counts in shaping a sustainable future. In addition to its awareness-raising activities, its members organize a variety of events such as garage sales and DIY workshops, all in a friendly, caring atmosphere.

> 47 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Achieving carbon neutrality at IÉSEG
> Clean Walk, a community vegetable garden, Green Career Day

bureau de l’humanitaire

The Bureau de l’Humanitaire (BDH) fights for causes that really matter. The association carries out a multitude of projects to raise student awareness of humanitarian issues. The team organizes conscience-shaking, heart-stopping events, and works locally with Restos du Cœur and the Banque Alimentaire. Its mission is to instill a spirit of mutual aid in students, encouraging them to take part in food distribution, blood donations and clothing drives.

> 38 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Getting students involved in solidarity and humanitarian causes


The Défil’Cancer association is committed to helping women affected by cancer. It promotes self-confidence and beauty in all its forms. Through a series of workshops organized throughout the year, the models develop strong ties and support each other so that they are all glowing on the day of the fashion show, which is the highlight of the year for the association. This year, the fashion show took place at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille, in front of 300 spectators, a celebration of courage and beauty filled with an atmosphere of solidarity and positivity.

> 21 members on the Lille campus
> Organization of events with women living with cancer, to highlight their strength

la vie associative en images

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IÉSEG Associative Life

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