bureau des sports

Join the sports world of the Bureau des Sports (BDS), an association present on both campuses offering a multitude of opportunities for sports enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to join a sports team, take part in championships or simply have fun during sports afternoons, the BDS offers over twenty disciplines. With regular training sessions and lively sports meetings, the BDS is here to help you stay in shape and develop your sporting talents, whether solo or as part of a team. Join this passionate community of sports enthusiasts, where the atmosphere is friendly both on the court and at regular festive events.

> 54 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Promoting and making sport accessible at IÉSEG
> 566 licence holders on campus

iéseg glisse / surf club

IÉSEG’lisse and the Surf Club are the associations in charge of board sports. From skateboarding to kitesurfing and wakeboarding, they offer activities for all levels, from beginners to experienced riders. As well as the activities linked to these sports, the teams take care of the marine environment by organising beach clean-ups. They aim to create a sense of holiday and good humour, particularly during SurfWeek, a week dedicated to surfing and environmental awareness.

> 35 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses

iéseg outdoor / x’trem

Enjoy adventure with IÉSEG Outdoor and X’TREM, two associations that invite you to experience thrills and spills. Push back your limits with a variety of extreme sports such as go-karting, paintball, parachute jumping or trails. There is no lack of activities for adrenaline seekers. Their mantra is to make these disciplines, often considered expensive and frightening in a safe environment.

> 34 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Offering students unusual sporting activities

le virage / le kop

The Virage and KOP teams proclaim their pride in belonging to IÉSEG as supporters’ associations. They reinforce the School’s identity through passionate singing and moments of fellowship. Students are also on hand to accompany the sports and arts teams at inter-school events, helping them to reach the top. They invite students to experience unforgettable moments in the grandstands, with boundless energy and festive events where competition meets conviviality.

> 41 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Supporting sports teams in sports competitions
> World Champions for the Supporters’ Trophy at WIUC 2022

paris pétanque club

The Paris Pétanque Club (PPC) offers students the chance to spend an unforgettable year, forgetting the dreariness of Paris and embarking on the sunny side of Marseille. With a dedicated team and original events, the PPC promises students convivial moments based around pétanque and Marseilles culture, with festive afterwork parties, barbecues and even a dedicated evening.

> 13 members on the Paris-La Défense campus

iéseg voile / la navy

IÉSEG Voile and La Navy bring students on board for an unforgettable maritime adventure! They bring together sailing enthusiasts around sailing-related activities and events. They offer both beginners and experienced students the chance to discover water sports such as catamaran sailing and windsurfing. Their aim is to take part in the EDHEC Boat Race, where over 3,000 students compete in a variety of sailing disciplines.

> 48 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> Introducing students to sailing
> Sailing workshops, EDHEC Boat Race, boating license, afternoon sand yachting…


TEAMS is an inter-school sports competition that brings together students from Paris and Lille for an exciting day! With 6 sports represented, this competition offers exciting challenges for athletes and a vibrant atmosphere for supporters. Join TEAMS for a unique sports and social experience, where students can compete against new teams, feel intense emotions and meet new people during an unforgettable day!

> 31 members on the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses
> 1,200 participants from 5 different campuses (IÉSEG, ESSCA, JUNIA and l’EM Normandie)


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