Hope Project: IÉSEG welcomes second group of international collaborators from… 04.10.2015 Corporate Relations For the second consecutive year, IÉSEG welcomes a group of young international collaborators from Decathlon....
IÉSEG sets up international Center on Negotiation 02.03.2015 Corporate Relations IÉSEG has recently created a new international Center on Negotiation (ICoN), which aims to be...
Executive Education: Learning trips for international managers 02.03.2015 Corporate Relations As part of its portfolio of executive education courses and programs, IÉSEG School of Management...
Hope Project: IÉSEG hosts international collaborators of the Decathlon Group 10.13.2014 Corporate Relations From March – July 2014, 30 junior international managers with strong potential from the Decathlon...
Applications for : CREENSO 07.17.2014 Corporate Relations IESEG School of Management launches, in collaboration with the IMMOCHAN foundation, the 4th Edition of...
Feedback on the Microsoft and Amazon visits 07.16.2014 Corporate Relations Nothing beats hands-on experience to discover professional life. Company visits are therefore a good way...
Recruitment of IÉSEG students by Oxylane, Altima and TCS 07.16.2014 Corporate Relations In April and May of this year, Oxylane (a large French distributor which specializes in...
International Corporate Fair 03.28.2014 Corporate Relations IÉSEG organized the fourth edition of its International Corporate Fair on March 20th on the...
IÉSEG’s International Corporate Fair – 20th March, 2.00 pm to… 02.05.2014 Corporate Relations Auchan, Alinéa, tape à l’œil, Happy Chic, Décathlon, Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate, Deloitte Luxembourg, Kiabi,...