Join us for the 3rd edition of the International Corporate… 12.27.2012 Corporate Relations During this international recruitment fair, you will meet both international students looking for placements in...
Research Chairs: a strong partnership between IÉSEG and companies 12.20.2012 Corporate Relations Companies constantly need to innovate due to the current economic and social climate. To help...
Benefit from Consulting Services 12.20.2012 Corporate Relations At IÉSEG School of Management, we want students to confront with the reality of the...
Participate in the Breakfast Conferences run by IÉSEG Executive Education! 12.20.2012 Corporate Relations During the breakfast meetings (8h30-10h) you can discover new courses run by IÉSEG Executive Education...
Human Resources Track 12.20.2012 Corporate Relations The HR Managers or the new HR Directors have to face very different challenges concerning...
A new partnership with OXYLANE in Asia 09.03.2012 Corporate Relations Confident in the success of different projects together, Oxylane and IESEG agree to strengthen cooperation...
New partnership with MICROSOFT 09.03.2012 Corporate Relations IESEG joined the Microsoft Campus Program, formalizing the partnership between our school and the Microsoft...
Training program “Manager – Developer ” with CIC Nord-Ouest :… 09.03.2012 Corporate Relations June 20th : The graduation ceremony for the “Manager-Developer” training has been organized at CIC...
Recruit our talents! 09.03.2012 Corporate Relations IESEG offers students a diversity of internships enabling them to discover the corporate environment at...