CRÉENSO Prize: Launch of the ninth edition 11.07.2019 Corporate Relations The 2019-2020 edition of the CRÉENSO Prize – a national competition for social entrepreneurship- got...
IÉSEG launches its Plastic Free Initiative 11.06.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) IÉSEG has launched a new Plastic Free initiative this week on both its Lille and...
Focus on Ŝanco: a social entrepreneurship project developed by Enactus… 10.29.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Created last year, the Ŝanco project aims to connect refugees and professionals, all the while...
Should companies have strategies for encouraging benevolence between staff? 10.01.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Based on an interview with Guillaume Mercier, IÉSEG, about his paper* “Formal and Informal Benevolence...
Responsibility Seminar: IÉSEG prepares its 1st-year students for artificial intelligence 08.30.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Every year, IÉSEG organizes a seminar with a corporate social responsibility (CSR)-related pedagogical challenge during...
Focus on the Bureau de l’Humanitaire’s Douala Project and the… 08.19.2019 Students At the beginning of July 2019, the Bureau de l’Humanitaire or BDH (a humanitarian student...
IÉSEG Hosts 2019 IACCM-IÉSEG Research and Practitioner Congress 07.25.2019 Our School IÉSEG will host this autumn a joint research and practitioner congress with the International Association...
A student joins a social entrepreneurship project during his university… 06.03.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) During his academic exchange abroad (2018-2019) in Jakarta (Indonesia), Guillaume Pigeon, a student in the...
Social intrapreneurship: what role does it play in attracting and… 04.25.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) As companies and organizations face new challenges and pressures relating to corporate social responsibility and...