Tokyo Snack Box, “boxes” that take you on a journey… 01.12.2022 Entrepreneurship Live from Japan, overwhelmed by the boxes of orders in his apartment, Baptiste DELANNOY, 2019...
Homie Eat: homemade meals delivered to your home 12.14.2021 Entrepreneurship Launched in October 2021, Homie Eat, a start-up founded by an IÉSEG student, Louis VAST,...
Discover the winners of the 7th edition of “How I… 12.02.2021 Entrepreneurship « How I met your start-up” is a student association of IÉSEG. Its mission is to...
[Alumni Story] With “Sublimeurs”, Laureen ESMANGART showcases the good taste… 11.25.2021 Alumni In recent years, more and more graduates have been leaving well-paid jobs to go into...
[Alumni Story] Ashiaki WILSON-TEI founds Talmond, the first company to… 11.19.2021 Alumni Over the past ten years, Ashiaki WILSON-TEI (who graduated the Master in International Business in...
Atelier Belette – an eco-responsible brand for breastfeeding women 11.17.2021 Entrepreneurship Atelier Belette, a start-up incubated at the IÉSEG Incubator, was officially launched in February 2021....
[Alumni Story] Sophie MOTTE : the Brasserie Motte Cordonnier, a… 11.10.2021 Alumni In 1650, the Brasserie Motte Cordonnier was set up in the town of Armentières. Ten...
The Art Cycle: art as part of the circular economy 10.21.2021 Alumni In June 2018, Julie GUEUDET, a graduate of IÉSEG and passionate about art, founded ‘The...
11th edition of the CREENSO Prize: discover the social enterprises… 10.19.2021 Entrepreneurship On October 14th, on the Paris-La Défense campus, the official launch of the 11th edition...