Hope Project: IÉSEG welcomes second group of international collaborators from… 04.10.2015 Corporate Relations For the second consecutive year, IÉSEG welcomes a group of young international collaborators from Decathlon....
Executive Education: Learning trips for international managers 02.03.2015 Corporate Relations As part of its portfolio of executive education courses and programs, IÉSEG School of Management...
The launch of a Financial Management diploma program Bac +… 01.06.2015 Executive Education The Executive Education team is expanding its range of degree programs (please remember that an...
Can You Force Change Within a Company? 11.28.2014 Executive Education Based on an interview with Anna Canato and on her article, “Coerced Practice Implementation in...
Conferences and Workshops on Personal Development, Leadership and Management 10.13.2014 Executive Education For the opening of IÉSEG’s Executive MBA in September 2015, conferences and seminars are being...
IÉSEG new Executive Education catalogue 10.13.2014 Executive Education With the start of the new academic year, IÉSEG Executive Education department proposes its new...
6 new certified tracks by IÉSEG Executive 10.15.2013 Executive Education Each job needs several competences to be done well. After having discussed with company partners,...
Creativity, a strategic challenge for companies 06.26.2013 Executive Education Companies are facing serious challenges and they must adapt to profound changes in order to...
The Executive Education team presents their new programs 09.06.2012 Executive Education The Executive Education team is pleased to invite you to a breakfast-meeting to present their...