Discover the new book “Transforming your company by combining strategy… 04.29.2021 Pedagogy & Research Companies and organisations around the world are evolving in an increasingly complex and systemic environment....
IÉSEG welcomes Toyota and the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic… 04.23.2021 Conferences IÉSEG School of Management regularly sets up meetings between its students and its partners, giving...
RUBIKA and IÉSEG: an example of a successful collaboration between… 04.15.2021 Programs The 5-year RUBIKA Video Game programme is aimed at students wishing to enter the industry....
Can stress improve performance in negotiations? 03.30.2021 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Jimena Ramirez-Marin and Adrian Barragan Diaz (IÉSEG School of Management,...
Covid 19 and higher education: a European study analyzes how… 01.25.2021 Pedagogy & Research Change usually takes time, but during a crisis time is lacking and it becomes necessary...
Navigating through uncertainty: Developing Rational Policies During a Pandemic 01.22.2021 Pedagogy & Research An international and multidisciplinary research team, led by Loïc Berger (CNRS research fellow at the...
Second Edition of the IÉSEG Teaching Excellence Awards 01.05.2021 Pedagogy & Research Rather than choosing between research and teaching, IÉSEG School of Management has adopted a balanced...
Entrepreneurial teams: passion, not greed, breeds success 12.10.2020 Entrepreneurship Based on an interview with Jonas Debrulle and Johan Maes of IÉSEG School of Management,...
Using technology to manage chronic illness: why patients’ attributional styles… 11.05.2020 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Azadeh Savoli and her article “Examining How Chronically Ill Patients’...