Social intrapreneurship: what role does it play in attracting and… 04.25.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) As companies and organizations face new challenges and pressures relating to corporate social responsibility and...
How can consumers defend themselves against product placement? 04.03.2019 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Tina Tessitore, IÉSEG School of Management, about her paper with...
How to better promote women’s entrepreneurship 04.02.2019 Entrepreneurship Based on an interview with Janice Byrne and on her article “Role Models and Women...
Fourth edition of the ICOR Prize: 1st prize awarded to… 03.08.2019 Corporate Relations Each year, IÉSEG and its Center of excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) organize a competition...
A look back at the first IÉSEG Data Science Fest… 03.01.2019 Master in Big Data Analytics for Business This week, IÉSEG School of Management organized its first “DataScienceFest”, an event designed to bring...
IÉSEG organizes its first “Intercultural Engagement Week” from March 18-21,… 02.15.2019 Our School IÉSEG has become an increasingly multicultural school over recent years and has gained international recognition...
Interview with two EMBA alumni on their experience at IÉSEG… 01.11.2019 Executive Education Interview with Metty MAVOUNIA and Jessen VALAYODAPILLAI, alumni of the IÉSEG Executive MBA program (Class...
3 key crowdfunding success factors 12.20.2018 Entrepreneurship Based on an interview with Mikael Petitjean, IÉSEG, about his paper “What explains the...
What does ethics at work mean to employees? Launch of… 12.05.2018 Pedagogy & Research One in six employees in Europe (16%) say that they have felt some form of...