Forming entrepreneurial teams 06.15.2017 Entrepreneurship Based on an interview with Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh and her forthcoming article: “La constitution des équipes...
Let’s make a deal: When employees demand special treatment 05.30.2017 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Elise Marescaux and her article “Idiosyncratic Deals from a Distributive...
IÉSEG students work on digital marketing challenges with Norauto 05.19.2017 Corporate Relations As part of their Digital Marketing course, students from the Grande École program have worked...
Remote work and mobile technologies: between autonomy and invisible control 04.24.2017 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte on her paper “An Ethical Perspective on Emerging...
Second edition of the ICOR Prize 04.24.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) IÉSEG and its Center of excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR), with the support of the...
Avoiding the boomerang effect: Corporate social responsibility and brand building 04.20.2017 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with François Maon and his chapter “Building Brands Via Corporate Social...
IÉSEG MSc participants take part in ‘big data analytics’ hackathon… 04.13.2017 Master in Big Data Analytics for Business Participants in IÉSEG’s Master of Science in Big Data Analytics for Business have been taking...
Taking uncertainty into account to better fight climate change 04.04.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Based on an interview with Loïc Berger on his paper “Managing Catastrophic Climate Risks Under...
Climate change: new research highlights that policymakers adopt scientific information… 03.01.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) New research highlights that exposure to climate models’ predictions affects policymakers and climate negotiators less...