Teaching and research at IÉSEG: Meet the IÉSEG faculty 02.02.2017 Pedagogy & Research IÉSEG‘s strategic plan for 2016-2021, underlines the School’s commitment to providing a unique and outstanding...
Student engagement and intercultural skills at the heart of IÉSEG’s… 01.10.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “Flipped classes”, courses that are co-developed with students and companies, personalized curricula, and interdisciplinary courses…...
How can retailers increase the adoption of in-store mobile payment? 01.09.2017 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Gwarlann de Kerviler and Nathalie T.M. Demoulin and their article*...
Team with IÉSEG professor selected as a finalist for the… 12.22.2016 Pedagogy & Research INFORMS, a leading international association for professionals in operations research and analytics, has this week...
Slow speedy shoppers with bespoke flooring 11.24.2016 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Nico Heuvinck on his paper* “Altering speed of locomotion” coauthored...
MSc in « Investment Banking & Capital markets » :… 11.10.2016 Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology The Master of Science (MSc) in « Investment Banking & Capital Markets », launched in...
Food deprivation increases the health halo effect 10.11.2016 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Romain Cadario on his paper “The impact of health claims...
CSR communication: What is the impact for companies facing future… 10.10.2016 Pedagogy & Research Based on an interview with Catherine Janssen on her paper* “Playing with fire: aggravating and...
IÉSEG teams up with Yncréa Hauts-de-France to provide its students… 09.28.2016 Grande École Program Innovation is a key factor for businesses as they look to ensure their development and...