The Bachelor in Management & Tech Design: an interdisciplinary, career-oriented… 03.13.2025 Bachelor in Management and Tech Design Are you attracted to the world of business and tech? Do you want to acquire...
“Design isn’t just about drawing”- Simon DEFOORT, lecturer in the… 01.23.2025 Pedagogy & Research The Bachelor in Management and Tech Design, developed jointly by IÉSEG and Rubika, stands out...
Mila NACHEVA: “The Bachelor in Management and Tech Design is… 12.16.2024 Bachelor in Management and Tech Design Mila NACHEVA comes from Sofia, Bulgaria. She discovered the newly launched Bachelor in Management and...
IÉSEG welcomes first cohort of Bachelor in Management and Tech… 12.05.2024 Programs In January 2024, IÉSEG and Rubika announced the launch of a new program, the Bachelor...
IÉSEG and RUBIKA combine their expertise to launch a joint… 01.12.2024 Our School RUBIKA and IÉSEG have decided to combine their expertise to create a joint Bachelor program...