IÉSEG launches a Data Visualization challenge for students in Europe… 02.17.2021 Corporate Relations IÉSEG School of Management is launching its first Data Visualization challenge in partnership with the...
Bachelor in International Business (BIB): Focus on the business models… 02.02.2021 Bachelor in International Business In the framework of their Business Models and Innovation course in the BIB program, 3rd-year...
IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business awarded the ‘Grade de Licence’ 01.18.2021 Bachelor in International Business Following the French evaluation committee for management programs’* evaluation, the French Ministry of Higher Education,...
IÉSEG adapts its summer programs to meet the challenges of… 01.13.2021 Programs In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, IÉSEG has adapted its summer program options...
A look back at the 2020 IÉSEG Career Day (5th… 01.08.2021 Corporate Relations Last November IÉSEG organized the latest edition of its IÉSEG Career Day recruitment forum for...
IÉSEG and Loughborough University London launch a programme in Entrepreneurship… 12.17.2020 Our School IÉSEG School of Management and Loughborough University London are pleased to announce they are joining...
Creating a recipe for successful project management: a focus on… 12.11.2020 Programs As part of their project planning course, around 90 students from the Grande Ecole Master...
IÉSEG extends its collaborations and partnerships with Luxury, Fashion and… 12.10.2020 Corporate Relations IÉSEG continues to develop collaborations with French and international stakeholders in the luxury, fashion and...
Our students share their successes-November 11.26.2020 Students Over the last few weeks, our students have taken part in various competitions and (online)...