Fourth edition of the ICOR Prize: 1st prize awarded to… 03.08.2019 Corporate Relations Each year, IÉSEG and its Center of excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) organize a competition...
A look back at the first IÉSEG Data Science Fest… 03.01.2019 Master in Big Data Analytics for Business This week, IÉSEG School of Management organized its first “DataScienceFest”, an event designed to bring...
Two students embark on a journey to meet IÉSEG alumni… 02.22.2019 Alumni Clarisse Rensonnet and Cécile Simon, two Master students at IÉSEG, left early February for a...
Student Story of the Month: an IÉSEG student wins an… 02.06.2019 Entrepreneurship In February 2018, Sébastien Bezout, IÉSEG student, and his best friend Martin Nguyen, won first...
Focus on two IÉSEG students’ gap year project in the… 01.30.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Two IÉSEG Master students (Grande Ecole Program), Diane Gentou and Timothée Desabres, recently went to...
La Quincaillerie accompanies entrepreneurs in their development 01.21.2019 Entrepreneurship In 2016, Hugues Marchal (a student currently in the Grande Ecole Master program) co-founded La...
Summer programs: IÉSEG grows portfolio with new Entrepreneurship & Innovation… 01.14.2019 Programs In June 2019, IÉSEG will extend its range of short summer programs with the launch...
Interview with two EMBA alumni on their experience at IÉSEG… 01.11.2019 Executive Education Interview with Metty MAVOUNIA and Jessen VALAYODAPILLAI, alumni of the IÉSEG Executive MBA program (Class...
Michelin: sponsor of the next IÉSEG Graduation & Pre-Graduation ceremony 01.09.2019 Bachelor in International Business IÉSEG is pleased to announce that Michelin will be the sponsor of the next graduation...