How IÉSEG is training socially responsible future managers 11.28.2017 Our School Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of IÉSEG and of its 2025 Vision:...
CRÉENSO Prize: Launch of the Seventh Edition 11.22.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The 2017-2018 edition of the CRÉENSO Prize – a national competition for social entrepreneurship –...
From academic research to pedagogy: how do IÉSEG students benefit… 10.23.2017 Our School IÉSEG approaches the learning experience of each student as a cross-fertilization between research and teaching:...
IÉSEG and LIUC-Business School of LIUC-Università Cattaneo reinforce their partnership… 10.13.2017 Executive Education IÉSEG and LIUC-Università Cattaneo have reinforced their long-term partnership by signing a new agreement, which...
IÉSEG’s Executive MBA: new year, new organization! 10.10.2017 Executive Education On Friday 6 October, IÉSEG welcomed the participants of the 3rd Executive MBA class. This...
Danone: Sponsor of the IÉSEG 2017/2018 graduating classes 10.06.2017 Alumni IÉSEG is pleased to announce that Danone, represented by Bruno de Fougeroux, Vice-President Global Sales...
Intercultural skills and training: Interview with Bjørn Ekelund 09.29.2017 Our School Bjørn Z. Ekelund, Chairman of Human Factors AS, is the creator of the Diversity Icebreaker...
IÉSEG Student Crowdfunds for Indian Social Enterprise 09.22.2017 Students As part of her final thesis, and with the help of her academic director Paulami...
“Green is the new black – The sustainable fashion tour”… 08.29.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Two IÉSEG students are launching a new gap-year/semester project called “Green is the New Black”...