Customized training program for Boulanger Store Managers 04.20.2017 Corporate Relations In February 2017, IÉSEG started running a training course for 12 store managers from Boulanger,...
IÉSEG MSc participants take part in ‘big data analytics’ hackathon… 04.13.2017 Master in Big Data Analytics for Business Participants in IÉSEG’s Master of Science in Big Data Analytics for Business have been taking...
Studying finance at IÉSEG: Focus on IÉSEG’s virtual trading rooms 03.24.2017 Grande École Program In order to prepare students studying finance for their future careers, IÉSEG opened in 2010...
Meet the International MBA Class of 2017! 02.15.2017 Programs When asked to describe their experience on IÉSEG’s one-year full-time MBA program, taught at the...
Focus on IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business (BIB) : a… 02.14.2017 Programs In September 2015, IÉSEG launched a new program designed for international students looking to follow...
IÉSEG Spring & Summer Programs for 2017! 01.12.2017 Programs Applications are now open for IÉSEG’s 2017 Spring & Summer programs which are specifically designed...
Student engagement and intercultural skills at the heart of IÉSEG’s… 01.10.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “Flipped classes”, courses that are co-developed with students and companies, personalized curricula, and interdisciplinary courses…...
Collaboration with Camaïeu and Uniqlo: IÉSEG students work on real… 01.10.2017 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Since the beginning of the academic year, all 3rd year students in the Grande École...
MSc in Digital Marketing & CRM: focus on the digital… 01.05.2017 Programs As part of their digital marketing strategy course, participants of the “Master of Science in Digital...