IÉSEG ranked 17th in 2016 Financial Times global ranking of… 09.12.2016 Our School IÉSEG has climbed 4 places to reach the 17th place in the latest Financial Times...
IÉSEG gains AMBA accreditation and joins elite group of international… 08.23.2016 Executive Education By obtaining the Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation, IÉSEG School of Management today joins an...
Last scholarships available for European applicants ! 06.16.2016 International These scholarships are available for our MSc in Banking, Finance, Accounting and Negotiation before June...
IÉSEG graduates doing well in the labour market 06.16.2016 Our School In 2016, 32 Management Schools including IÉSEG took part in a survey led by the Conférence...
IÉSEG and IMMOCHAN Foundation announce the winners of the CRÉENSO… 06.09.2016 Our School On May 18, the IMMOCHAN Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with IÉSEG, presented the...
Grande École Program: Focus on the Business Game 06.02.2016 Grande École Program Each year, a business simulation game concludes the courses of the Master cycle of the...
IÉSEG’s Ceremony for outgoing postgraduate students 06.01.2016 Programs On Monday 23 May 2016, IÉSEG organised a special pre-graduation ceremony for the 303 students...
Corporate Social Responsibility: IÉSEG awards the ICOR prize for the… 04.19.2016 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) IÉSEG and its Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR), with the support of the Foundation of...
IÉSEG students participate in international negotiation competition (TNC 2016) 04.13.2016 Programs A team of three students from the Master of Science in International Business Negotiation program...