IÉSEG and Adecco join forces to open new program 04.16.2015 Corporate Relations In partnership with the Adecco Group, IÉSEG will open from September a new Master program...
New degree programs for 2015/2016 02.03.2015 Programs IÉSEG is extending its range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs with the launch of...
Fashion Business Summer Program extends IÉSEG’s range of international summer/spring… 02.03.2015 International In addition to its portfolio of international degree programs, each spring and summer IÉSEG organizes...
The launch of a Financial Management diploma program Bac +… 01.06.2015 Executive Education The Executive Education team is expanding its range of degree programs (please remember that an...
2 new IESEG MBA programmes 03.28.2014 Programs International MBA Full-time – September 2014 IMBA is a twelve month intensive program with the...
After EQUIS and AACSB accreditations, IÉSEG School of Management is… 11.07.2013 Our School After launching in 2003 an MSc in International Business and an MSc in Fashion Management...
New Program: MSc in Fashion Management is off to a… 06.24.2013 Programs Resulting from the close collaboration of IÉSEG with Istituto Marangoni (Italy) and our partner Renmin...
New Program: MSc in Fashion Management starts in 2013 at… 07.03.2012 Programs IESEG’s MSc in Fashion Management is a one-year specialized program to be launched in September...