A day with students from the MSc in Investment Banking… 12.04.2019 Students Are you thinking about applying to, or do you want to find out more about,...
IÉSEG launches its new “Ambassadors” platform 11.29.2019 Alumni In order to encourage more interaction between IÉSEG candidates, current students and alumni, the School...
Fifth edition of the “How I Met Your Start-Up” public… 11.27.2019 Entrepreneurship The association How I met Your Start Up* organized the fifth edition of its public...
Design thinking workshop: Investment banking & capital markets students focus… 11.20.2019 Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology The students of the MSc in Investment Banking & Capital Markets program recently took part...
IÉSEG students organize an awareness week in Lille and Paris 11.13.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) For the first time in Paris, and the second in Lille, IÉSEG’s student associations (AEIL...
CRÉENSO Prize: Launch of the ninth edition 11.07.2019 Corporate Relations The 2019-2020 edition of the CRÉENSO Prize – a national competition for social entrepreneurship- got...
IÉSEG launches its Plastic Free Initiative 11.06.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) IÉSEG has launched a new Plastic Free initiative this week on both its Lille and...
Focus on Ŝanco: a social entrepreneurship project developed by Enactus… 10.29.2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Created last year, the Ŝanco project aims to connect refugees and professionals, all the while...
Executive Education: IÉSEG welcomes Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Executive… 10.09.2019 Executive Education In late August, IÉSEG’s Executive Development and Innovation team welcomed participants from the Indian Institute...