The Student Federation: a unique, empowering and extremely professional experience! 06.17.2024 Students Throughout their time at IÉSEG, the School offers its students a rich and dynamic community...
“A’tricyclette”: the solidarity adventure of three IÉSEG students in Asia 06.14.2024 Students Three students in the Grande École Program from IÉSEG, Adélaïde WAYMEL, Alice RIBADEAU DUMAS, and...
The sustainable fashion dilemma: understanding the Gen Z’s attitudes to… 06.03.2024 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The Generation Z is widely recognized for its and commitment to the environment and sustainability....
Beyond the miles: Arnaud GILLES’ cycling odyssey, in partnership with… 05.20.2024 Students Arnaud GILLES’ 4-month cycling trip across Europe was all about pushing back the limits and...
[News In Brief] IÉSEG students win the 2024 IMA Student… 05.06.2024 Master in International Accounting, Audit & Control Alice SUTER, Hajar EZZINE, Ingrid GONZALEZ, Tithsamnang LY and Wei LUO, all students of IÉSEG’s...
Genius IÉSEG: nurturing students’ entrepreneurial spirit 05.02.2024 Students In the French academic landscape, student entrepreneurship is emerging as a powerful driver of professional...
“Le cœur ou la raison” by Comed’IÉSEG: more than 800… 04.09.2024 Students The Colisée de Roubaix, an internationally renowned venue in which so many famous artists have...
Julia VANLERBERGHE wins the 2024 ICOR Award with her thesis… 03.28.2024 Pedagogy & Research “In 2023, Shein is the second most downloaded app in France and the fourth retail...
Watch Club Business School: an inter-school association dedicated to horology 03.18.2024 Students Louan DE PERETTI, a student in the Master cycle of the Grande École program on...