
2021 CGE Survey: IÉSEG young graduates’ recruitment holds up despite the health crisis

Every year, the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) conducts a survey related to the recruitment of young graduates from the French Grandes Écoles.

Conducted over the first quarter of the year, the 2021 survey analyzes the recruitment of the “COVID generation” – these young graduates who entered the job market in a complex economic situation due to the health crisis.

Despite the crisis, the integration of the 2020 graduates from IÉSEG’s Grande École program on the job market has been resilient and remains high. Thus, 81.9% of young graduates were employed at the time of the survey. 93.2% of graduates had found their first job within less than four months (and 85.7% were hired on a permanent basis). Finally, the average gross annual salary after graduation (France and abroad, excluding bonuses) was €39,751.

Fully equipped with knowledge and interpersonal skills, IÉSEG graduates, throughout their School’s journey, have developed their adaptability, pragmatism and their capacity to work in diverse and multicultural teams. These skills are particularly valued and sought after during this time of crisis.

IÉSEG thus demonstrates that, thanks to the quality of its educational experience, the excellence of its diplomas, the close ties with companies and the economic world at large, and its powerful network of graduates (more than 11,000 graduates are part of IÉSEG Network), its young graduates are particularly well equipped to enter the job market successfully.

Find out how IÉSEG Career Services department helps students of the Grande École Program with their professional integration


Summary of key figures from the CGE 2021 Survey on the Grande École program’s class of 2020:

  • 93.2% of young graduates who have been hired had found their job within four months after graduating
  • Among these graduates, 85.7% hold a permanent position and 80.9% have an executive status (in France).
  • The average annual salary (excluding bonuses – France and international) of young IÉSEG graduates is €39,751
  • 20% of graduates started off their career abroad (including International Volunteer Program)