
2024 Graduation Ceremony: “Dare to be yourself, embrace your talents and diversity!”

On June 22 at the Zenith in Lille, IÉSEG celebrated its 2023 graduates from the Grande École Program, Bachelor in International Business and Specialized Masters. More than just a graduation ceremony, this fun and convivial event was an opportunity to celebrate this major milestone in the lives of these young people, who are now looking to the future with confidence, boldness and ambition!

2024 Graduation Ceremony: celebrating tomorrow’s changemakers

The Zenith in Lille, an iconic venue for the city’s cultural life, was transformed for an afternoon into a giant catwalk, where the school’s new graduates, accompanied by their families and friends, paraded around. Surrounded by the entire IÉSEG Board of Directors, their professors and administrative teams, the graduates were greeted by Caroline ROUSSEL, Dean of IÉSEG, Christophe CATOIR, President Worldwide of Adecco and new Chairman of the School’s Board of Directors, Thibaut RINGO, CEO of Alter Mundi and President of the IÉSEG Alumni Association, and the class sponsor, Benjamin CONSTANT, partner at Néo Éco and co-founder of RecyGroup International.

” Be confident and believe in yourself, believe in your convictions, dare to change the world!”

After the traditional faculty procession, Caroline ROUSSEL, Dean of IÉSEG, called on all graduates to be, as the School’s Vision reminds us, changemakers for a better world: “Today, we’re celebrating your success, but also the very essence of IÉSEG, its vision of which you are now the representatives and guardians. This vision, born 60 years ago around the values of achievement, responsibility, integrity, solidarity and commitment, has been enriched over the years by your boldness, creativity and desire to change the world and leave a lasting positive imprint. So, if there’s one message you should take with you as you embark on this new chapter, it’s to dare to be yourself, dare to believe in yourself and your convictions, dare to change the world! You’ve graduated from a rigorous program, and everything you’ve experienced – internships, apprenticeships, international exchanges, student life – gives you all the resources you need to open up the field of possibilities, develop your potential and find your own path. You are the assets of tomorrow’s society.”

Entrepreneur, Changemaker, International career: Benjamin CONSTANT, a sponsor reflecting the school’s vision

Who better than Benjamin CONSTANT to embody IÉSEG and its values? Graduating from the School in 1996, Benjamin CONSTANT quickly distinguished himself through his innovative vision and leadership. His skills in strategic management have led him to hold positions within major companies in more than a dozen countries.

After 18 years managing subsidiaries of major international groups, he decided to refocus on projects with a strong environmental impact. Benjamin CONSTANT is now an associate of Neo-Eco and co-founder of an ecosystem of startups specializing in circular economy solutions for a waste-free world.

The strategic expertise he has acquired has been put at the service of environmental and societal commitments shared by a team of over 100 employees. His inspiring career path, international vision and leadership make him a remarkable example of entrepreneurial success, and a changemaker for a better society.

“I’m very proud to be your class sponsor. My advice to you, at the dawn of your new career, is very simple: dare! Dare to design the future you want. You can all be actors of change, it’s not reserved to a few gifted people: we all have the possibility of having an impact on the world around us, if we dare to take action”.

Associative life, Entrepreneurship, International, Apprenticeship, CSR: rich and inspiring speeches by graduates punctuate the ceremony

Throughout the graduation ceremony, the floor was also given to former IÉSEG students, who came to talk about their commitment – in all its forms – throughout their studies. Commitment to associations, with Amaury PIERLOT, former President of the Student Federation. Entrepreneurial commitment, with Emerik BRICAUT, a serial entrepreneur who has already launched more than 6 companies. The international dimension was symbolized by Methma IMBULDENYIA, who left her native Sri Lanka for the first time to study in Lille and is now a graduate of the Bachelor in International Business program. Apprenticeship programs were honored by Jules HUET, who took part in this highly professionalizing experience. Finally, Adélaïde LEBLEU’s commitment to CSR was highlighted, as she launched the school’s first environmental association, founded the CSR division of the Student Federation and led numerous CSR projects within the school.

A new era of possibilities

Anael DE VILIER, a Master in Fashion Management graduate from South Africa; Sandra SILBERBERG, a Bachelor in International Business graduate who was COO of a French start-up at the age of 23; Valentin PIQUET-MEHEUST, a graduate of the Grande École Program: three very different backgrounds, three talents who symbolize the diversity and richness of the School’s Dean’s List.
At IÉSEG, I was offered not only the prospect of broadening my horizons, but also the luxury of dreaming bigger,” says Anael DE VILIER. “I took a risk, but one for which I am extremely grateful today. So I urge you to do the same, because I truly believe that these milestones are what our dreams are made of“.

For Sandra SILBERBERG, “my experience at IÉSEG has only confirmed that learning is a continuous process as long as you are curious and humble enough to admit that you don’t know everything. Coming here was very enriching: I hadn’t anticipated that I would learn so much from all the students I would meet during my studies! We’ve shared our knowledge, challenged each other and grown together. So I thank you all most sincerely, and above all, stay curious and keep learning!

Finally, Valentin PIQUET-MEHEUST concluded the graduation ceremony: “Above all, IÉSEG is a collection of experiences and opportunities that enable us to grow. The Grande École program is unique, with a strong emphasis on personal development and the teaching of soft skills, the wealth of experiences abroad, the multiplication of internships enabling us to build our professional projects step by step, and finally the network of associations that has enabled each of us to blossom around a common project. At IÉSEG, we’ve made friendships that will last long after we graduate!”

IÉSEG is proud of its 2023 graduates. They join the great IÉSEG Network family, a dynamic, committed and growing network.

Take a look at the 2024 Graduation Ceremony in pictures