
IÉSEG organizes an Alumni Day for the students and graduates of the Master in Big Data Analytics for Business

On February 10th, all students and graduates of the Master in Big Data Analytics for Business were invited to a half-day event dedicated to data on the IÉSEG campus in Lille, specially organized for them by IÉSEG Network and the entire faculty of the Master.

On the agenda of this event: a time of meeting and exchange, an introduction by Kristof COUSSEMENT, academic director of the Master (on the theme “Moving towards Explainable and Responsible Analytics” ) as well as various presentations, mixing company cases and research projects.

Thus, Thomas BERRIER (2018 graduate – Customer & Sales Data Officer at Auchan Retail) and Carla CHALLITA (student, currently in an internship as Data Analyst at Auchan Retail) proposed a keynote on the theme: ” How Business interacts with Data Science @Auchan?” Then, Dilia Carolina OLIVO (graduate of 2018 and currently a PhD student at Télécom Paris Tech) spoke on the theme of Artificial Intelligence: “Ethical and socio-economic considerations of explainable machine learning”. Finally, Tim BERNAERDT (Head of Customer Success at Enfocus, partner company of ICMA – Center of Excellence in Marketing Analysis of IÉSEG – and partner of an applied research project in data science) gave a talk on : “Navigating the Enfocus Data Journey: Challenges, Learnings & Opportunities”.

Finally, a Job Fair wrapped up this event to allow Master students to develop their professional network, to promote their expertise in data science to Master graduates and to facilitate their search for an internship or first job.

For Kristof Coussement « the event was a great success as it attracted a variety of attendees from alumni, business partners to current participants of the Master in Big Data Analytics for Business. It created ideal network opportunities around inspiring and rich data science presentations. It was an ideal milestone to revibe the analytics community at IÉSEG School of Management. Let’s meet up next academic year! »