
IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business obtains Ministry recognition (Visa, BAC + 3)

Following the French evaluation committee for management programs’* audit, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has recently granted the Visa to IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business**, which means that the degree is recognized by the State. Created in September 2015, the Bachelor in International Business (BIB) is now certified (BAC + 3) for a period of 3 years.

This is an important moment in the development of this program, which will also be taught at IÉSEG’s Paris-La Défense campus from September 2020 (it is currently only taught at the Lille campus). Designed for students wanting to follow a three-year program, it is entirely in English and focuses on management and the world of international business.

“We are delighted to receive this recognition only four years after the program’s launch***. With this label, the Ministry recognizes the program’s rigor and requirements, the quality of the faculty and the content. This recognition will enable us to have more visibility for the BIB on national and international levels,” Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Director of IÉSEG, explained.

The objective of this program is to train students to manage projects in international companies, and to introduce them to working in a complex economic and multicultural environment in an ethical and responsible way. By combining theory and practice, this program accords a good deal of importance to the development of students’ behavioral and managerial competences.

Over six semesters, students learn the fundamentals of management and international business (economics, finance, marketing, sales, human resource management, information systems and operations management, law, strategy, sustainable development, etc).

Three different internships allow students to put the knowledge they learn during the courses into practice, to acquire experience in the professional world and to expand their professional network. They are also required to spend at least 3 months abroad (academic exchange or professional experience).

Application Process

Students with a French Baccalaureate must apply through the Parcoursup platform. 

All other students must follow the international procedure through the IÉSEG website The application process is entirely online. Students should create an account on our application platform and follow the instructions online. The online application platform can be accessed by going to the following link:  

*Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion
**Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Affaires Internationales – DESAI
***Programs must have completed one outgoing class before requesting to be evaluated, and then recognized by the Ministry.